Thursday 30 March 2017


Hello, Guys, I hope you are doing well...
Today, I am going to share with you all files you need to download to improve your writing Task 1 skill.

Briefly, there are several types of writing task 1 for academic IELTS test involving line graph, bar chart, process diagram, map, pie chart or table.  The things that you should pay attention to are:
1. Task achievement
2. Cohesive and Coherence
3. Vocabulary
4. Grammar (you can see the writing scale here: Writing Scale )

You will be given about 20 minutes to finish this task including the introduction, information, and conclusion or overview. Remember, if one of them is not included, you will not receive a full task achievement.


Generally, all you have to do make an introduction is paraphrasing. There are several examples and vocabularies needed to write a good introduction. 
  • The chart shows the changes in the sales of .......... , ..........and  ....... around the world in billions of dollars over ........... period.
  • The three graphs provide an overview of the types of music people purchase in the UK. \(note: do not forget about S-V agreement guys. click here to read more

you do not have to use the word shows all the time, use a wide range of vocabularies instead like: 
provides, elucidates, gives, presents, etc.
you can alter the word chart to another word such as: 
graph, line graph, pie chart, or anything related to it

S-V Agreement

S-V atau subjek - verb agreement merupakan kesepakatan yang telah dibuat dalam membuat kalimat yang grammarly correct. Ini merupakan hal yang dasar namun penting untuk dikuasai.


Untuk subjek singular, uncountable noun
A chart .....
A graph .....
the graph  .....
the interest in rock music .....

A chart shows information regarding ....

Unique Case

namun adapula kasus dimana plural noun bertindak sebagai singular berdasarkan S-V agreement, contohnya:
The news is at 6.30 p.m.
Athletics is good for young people.
Linguistics is the study of language.
Darts is a popular game in England.
Billiards is played all over the world.

PLURAL (noun+s) - VERB 

Two charts show ........
Those graph provide ....

trousers, jeans, glasses, savings, thanks, steps, stairs, customs, congratulations, tropics, wages, spectacles, outskirts, goods, wits

Wednesday 29 March 2017


Berhubung baru pertama kalinya membuat surat keterangan ganti rugi, admin merasa masih banyak kejanggalan (eak) dalam surat ini. Surat ini dibuat sebagai hasil kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.
Jika ada saran atau masukkan yang membangun, silahkan berkomentar bawah ini.

untuk mendownload dalam format Doc. (microsoft word) bisa klik Link Ini

Nomor :        ………………….

Thursday 23 March 2017

Contoh Surat Keterangan Gadai

Setelah beberapaa waktu vakum, hari ini admin posting tentang salah satu jenis surat keterangan gadai. Walaupun ada beberapa jenis surat keterangan gadai yang beredar di internet, namun template surat ini merupakan jenis yang sering digunakan karena bentuknya yang simple dan padat.
Untuk mengunduh file surat daalama bentuk .doc silahkan klik link ini